2022-23 Winter Athletics Registration



Dear Parents and Athletes,

We are very pleased that you have expressed a desire to become a part of our Athletic Program.  To obtain the desired educational benefits the following responsibilities must be adhered to by the participant.

  • The athlete need to have a physical examination within two years of active participation.
  • The athlete need to be covered by some form of health insurance.
  • Parents and athletes need to sign the permission form included on this sight.
  • The athlete needs to fulfill all eligibility requirements as outlined by BFA and the Vermont Principals Association.
  • You need to adhere to all behavioral policies, expectations, and certain prescribed training rules as outlined by Bellows Free Academy.

We all hope that your involvement with this BFA activity will be a rewarding experience for the whole family.

Dan A. Marlow                                                                                                                                             

Director of Athletics                                             



The Bellows Free Academy Athletic Department strives to provide an athletic program of excellence for all its students.    We believe that there are certain values that are important in any educational program and that these values can be well taught in an athletic program.  Among these values are dedication to excellence, hard work, self-discipline, team effort, and self-control.

We believe that participation in athletics is a privilege that is accorded any student who is willing to adhere to the standards and rules of an athletic team.    We believe that studies come first and that the values and attitudes learned in athletics contribute to the complete education of the individual.

Moral, emotional, and social development are particularly important contributions of athletics, and it is to these ends that athletics must direct a great part of their efforts.  It is also recognized that the positive value of athletics is directly related to the quality of leadership.   The personal example of everyone connected with our program will do much to assure its success.

 PLEASE NOTE: If your child played a fall sport, simply click on the "auto fill" drop down box and "select a registrant."  All previously saved information will populate in the required fields. Please make sure to change any required information e.g. phone numbers or medical/insurance information.  Reminder: Any question with a red star is required in order to complete the registration.

Contact Us
Dan Marlow
BFA Athletic Director
Bellows Free Academy
71 South Main Street
St. Albans, VT, 05478
United States

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