Mardela Athletics 2024-2025
Thank you for taking time to register to participate in Mardela Athletics!
We are very excited to continue our online method of registering for your convenience.
Please note: This is MANDATORY for all HIGH SCHOOL Athletes. It is NOT necessary to register for middle school sports.
Registration Process:
1.Online Registration (scroll down to start)
2.Submit completed and valid Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation dated June 1, 2024 and after to the school CLICK HERE
3.All registering participants will then be screened for academic eligibility, school enrollment and various other Mardela High School,
Wicomico County Public School and MPSSAA eligibility requirements prior to participation.
4. Please be sure to fill out all "required fields". If your athlete participates in multiple sports throughout the school year, you just need to do this one time for the school year. You can check more than one sport for participation when you complete the registration. If you are unsure of other sports, simply just sign up for the one sport and the additional sports can be added when the season arrives.
5. When you submit your form, you will receive an email confirmation. If you do not receive an email, you have missed a required field and your form did not submit.
Please note that completing the online registration is only the initial step in the registration process and does not guarantee participation.
* Contact the help line for all trouble shooting items: (844) 367-6735 or email
24940 Delmar Rd
Mardela Springs, MD, 21837
United States