2024/25 Randolph Union Registration

Welcome to Randolph Union's middle & high school student-athlete online Form ReLeaf registration platform. 

The Form ReLeaf registration process requires several valid electronic signatures in order to be considered complete. Signatures MUST be provided from the appropriate individual. Parent/guardian signatures on the "
Parent/Guardian must be older than 18" lines and student-athlete signatures on "student" lines. Signature verification may include a phone call home to parents/guardians.

FormReLeaf Registration INSTRUCTIONS

1. Select the appropriate sport(s) your child plans to participate in during the 2024-25 school year. 

2. Provide all relevant information. Items with an (*) are required fields - these fields must be completed or the registration process will not be accepted.

3. When finished, click “Submit” in the lower right-hand corner of the page.

4. When you have successfully completed the online registration process, you will receive a confirmation email of your child's enrollment in the appropriate sports/co-curricular activities.

5. Log in at any time throughout the 2024-25 school year to update your child's registration for a new team or club.

NOTE: Team rosters will be created after tryouts & once student-athletes have submitted their required athlete registration. Finalized team rosters will not be available until the 1st game of the season.​

To participate in athletics co-curriculars at Randolph Union, students & their parent must sign off on the FOLLOWING REQUIRED FORMS/DOCS through FormReLeaf:

1. Bus Rider Agreement Form

2. Co-curricular Activities Agreement Form

3. Concussion Acknowledgement Form

4. Emergency Medical Information

5. Equipment-Uniform Agreement

6. Athletic Trainer Consent to Treat Form

7. Parent-Coach Communication Guidelines

8. Wellness Sport Participation Form**

**The Wellness Sport Participation Form is the ONLY form that should be submitted by-hand to the RU School Nurse or to the Athletic Director. This form is a VPA requirement for all student-athletes participating in school-sponsored athletics in the state of VT.

Wellness Sport Participation Form must be signed by the child's primary care provider.

Wellness Sport Participation Form must be current within two (2) years to be eligible for co-curricular/athletic participation. A reminder email will be sent to you from Form ReLeaf 90-days prior to your child's form expiration.

Your doctor’s office should provide you with a completed Wellness Form form at the end of your child's wellness examWellness Sport Participation Forms are available at the Main Office, Athletic Director office, or via download here: Click here for the Randolph Union Athletics Wellness Sport Participation Form

Unlike a sports physical, the Wellness Sports Participation Form involves a comprehensive exam to include thorough review of the student's medical history, a physical exam, developmental screenings, and age-appropriate wellness education. This exam is a complete, research-based, specific type of exam & best practice standards for the sports component of the Wellness Sports Participation Form and corresponding Wellness Exam were developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Sports Medicine and Fitness.

If at any time you need assistance with the online registration process, you can call the Form ReLeaf support line at 1-844-367-6735.

Contact Us
Nick Bent
Athletic Director
Randolph Union High School
15 Forest St.
Randolph, VT, 05060
United States

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