Thomas Jefferson 2024-2025 Winter Registration


Welcome to Teaneck Public Schools

Welcome to Teaneck Public Schools, a culturally diverse district serving 3,800 students from pre-kindergarten through high school. Teaneck has eight schools - one preschool, one kindergarten school, three elementary schools (grades K-4), two middle schools (grades 5-8), and one high school (grades 9-12 and 18-21 program). We are proud that our population includes students and staff from around the world, bringing a variety of ethnic and religious backgrounds.

First in the country to voluntarily integrate its schools, this district is dedicated to its Vision and Mission statements (per the 2019-2024 District Strategic Plan - also found on this section of our website).

Mission: The Teaneck Public School District educates and empowers students by providing a high quality, rigorous educational experience which prepares students for success within a diverse, global society. 

Vision: The Teaneck Advantage: Educational Excellence for All.  

The district values equity, excellence, innovation, and collaboration throughout our schools and the community.

Contact Us
Teaneck High School
100 Elizabeth Avenue
Teaneck, NJ, 07666
United States

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